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Getdeck Wharf

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The Wharf of Getdeck is a collection of common tech stacks or advanced components running in Kubernetes.

Feel free to use the Deckfiles from the Wharf for your local development. The well-crafted development setups in the Wharf will be checked regularly in order to prevent a dependency drift and to make sure they are working.

Go to Wharf

If you want to add a Deckfile for another Kubernetes-based development stack, feel free to create a pull request on GitHub.

Create a Deckfile request



If you want to run an Epinio on your local machine, just run:

deck get

Please follow the notes to find out how to get started with this Deck.
Required deck version: 0.6.0+


If you want to run an OpenFaaS on your local machine, just run:

deck get

Please follow the notes to find out how to get started with this Deck.
Required deck version: 0.6.0+


NFS Storage Provisioner

If you want to use a ReadWriteMany (RWX) storage class with NFS in your application, just run:

deck get

You can add your workload and mount a PVC with storageClassName: wharf-nfs.

Please follow the notes to find out how to get started with this Deck.
Required deck version: 0.8.2+



If you want to run a Kubernetes logging stack consisting of Loki, Promtail and Grafana on your local machine, just run:

deck get

Please follow the notes to find out how to get started with this Deck.
Required deck version: 0.8.2+



The following Decks are running a typical django stack with PostgresSQL (using Zalando's PostgreSQL Operator).


If you want to run the spacecrafts demo of django-hurricane, just run

deck get

Please follow the notes to find out how to get started with this Deck.
Required deck version: 0.6.0+


The following Decks are running a Java stack with PostgresSQL (using Bitnamis Postgres Charts).

Polls Example using Spring

If you want to run a Java example of a simple polls application using Spring, just run

deck get

Please follow the notes to find out how to get started with this Deck.
Required deck version: 0.8.2+